
What to Expect From Couples Therapy

Okay, can I just say: relationships are complicated! You’ve got two different people’s motivations, needs, and feelings flying around. You’ve got misunderstandings and miscommunications. You’ve got unspoken expectations and niggling resentments. Yikes! Couples therapy can help with all of that. My aim with couples is to help you…
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You Are Not Responsible for Other People’s Feelings

A dynamic I see come up a lot with my clients is their worry about making someone else mad or hurting someone else’s feelings. Empathy and kindness are important, lovely, and the cornerstone of a healthy society (imo). But concerns about others’ feelings become problematic when they cause…
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Battle Royale: Brain v Stomach!

Years ago I saw a bumper sticker that said, “Don’t believe everything you think,” and it blew my mind. Until that moment I honestly believed that my thoughts were true, every last one of them. Also my opinions – they were totally true, I was certain of it.…
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9 Tips for Becoming Less Judgmental

Wait, Jonna. Why would I want to be less judgmental? My opinions are how I express myself. My opinions make me who I AM! Errr, kind of? It’s true we are all judgmental beings. It’s part of being alive. I think it starts in our lizard brain because…
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What’s the Deal with the Free Consultation?

If you’ve been checking out therapists’ listings, you’ll see that most therapists, myself included, offer a free consultation. Here’s a little more information about free consultations, what you can expect from them, and how you can (and should!) use them to find the right therapist for yourself. If…
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I Like Big Buts and I Cannot Lie

I pay close attention to my clients’ buts. What!? A ha! See, when clients say “I think x, but…,” or “I feel y, but…,” it’s their but that gets my attention. The ‘but’ tells me there’s more to the story. “I really wish my mom wouldn’t stay for…
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